Laurie Schmiesing, RN
To book BodyTalk sessions with Laurie please go to www.metamorphosis-transformation.net
To book an Anthroposophical Nursing Session with Laurie please email.
Please note: These sessions do not diagnose or treat any illnesses.
Laurie has a strong, comprehensive background in allopathic and complementary medicine as a registered nurse for over 25 years. She holds a Master’s degree in nursing, certification as an Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist and Rhythmical Einreibungen Specialist. She has been teaching Anthroposophic Nursing since 2018 and has presented on Anthroposophic nursing twice at the Annual American Holistic Nursing Conference.
Laurie's training as an Anthroposophic (Wisdom of the Human Being) Nurse allows her to bring balance to body, mind and spirit with the use of gentle, rhythmical oil application, or the use of botanical compresses to reduce the imbalances that may have impacts on our physical or emotional wellbeing.